Save money with this guide to finding cheap and free college textbooks PDF sources

For years we have been helping students save money by directing them to the cheapest college textbook sources with our price comparison service. In recent years we have seen an increase in availability for open source and free college PDF textbooks. Take a look at this list we have compiled of cheap PDF textbook sources and where to get free college textbooks pdf.
Caution, many textbooks are copyrighted and should not be downloaded. We advocate the use of open source textbooks because they are 100% legal to download and get free college textbooks in PDF or as a ePub . If you are unable to find a free version then use this Book Search tool to locate the websites with the cheapest available e-version of your book. We will also show you the best prices on International Edition, Rental and Used books.
College Textbooks PDF Sources:
- Google PDF Books Search: Google’s indexing robots do a terrific job of finding free or cheap textbooks PDF online and should be your first research tool. Search using this format: filetype:pdf “textbook title” for the best results.
- Openstax: The Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation and other have funded this open textbook ebook project at Rice University.
- Digital book index: this site links to more then 150,000+ online digital books from various universities and publishers. Similarly around 100,000+ of these ebooks are available for free as college textbooks PDF.
- Project Gutenberg: the oldest digital library site in the world offers more than 43,000 e-books, completely gratis.
- University of Pennsylvania: a mini-site which links to free textbooks available on the internet for students. It has over 1 million free eBooks and they keep updating the list regularly to save money.
- Reddit Tracker: Tracker for college textbooks in PDF and eBook of college textbooks and free sources.
- Flat world knowledge: offers free and open college cheap textbooks in PDF. In addition they have textbooks from well-known authors and scholars in their catalog. These textbooks can be read online using their easy to use online e-book reader.
- Book Boon: a website specifically built for finding pdf versions of textbooks because there are a lot of free college textbooks in PDF format.
- IvyPanda: 1,000+ Open Textbooks and Learning Resources for All Subjects.
- ZLibrary: The world’s largest ebook library of free college textbooks PDF on sale.
- Open Culture: 200 Free Textbooks: A Meta Collection you don’t need to buy, just download .
- Textbook Revolution: A student-run site dedicated to increasing the use of free educational materials by teachers and professors.
- Community College Consortium: Find open and free textbooks that may be suitable for use in community college courses.
- Open Textbook Library: Don’t rent, Based in Minnesota, US, the Open Textbook Library caters to all major subjects in cheap textbooks PDF. They offer free pdf college textbooks.
In Conclusion, use this cheap textbook finder to dig up cheap textbook PDF sources and access textbooks on any device with e-book rentals. Didn’t find the free pdf college textbook you were looking for? Please try the Book Search service and use our textbook search to find the cheapest rental and used prices available from campusbooks and close to 100 other book seller sites.
Other Links and Textbook Tips:
- Ten Tips For Finding Cheap Textbooks
- 5 Simple Solutions To Finding Cheaper Textbooks
- Cheapest College Textbooks
- Were is the best place to buy cheap college textbooks
- Find the cheapest college book rental sites