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We show you where to get the cheapest textbook prices!
This FREE easy-to-use site allows for quick, real-time textbook price comparisons, ensuring that you find the cheapest textbooks prices on new, rental, digital and used books. Shop knowing you are getting the Lowest Textbook prices at

How we can help – If you are a college student you have probably asked “Where can I find the cheapest textbooks for college?” or “Where should I rent textbooks?”. Our number one tip to answering these questions and get the lowest prices is to use a textbook price comparison tool. A price comparison site reports the cheapest new, rental, digital eBooks, international and used textbook prices including the shipping cost (many offer free shipping). Renting or buying your textbooks has never been easier or cheaper. Book quotes show the current total price and everyone’s discounts making it easy to compare prices and find the cheapest textbooks.
For instance online book sites are claiming everything from 60% to 95% off on cheap books for sale – we cut through all the marketing hype and simply show you the list price along with the cheapest price at each book seller site. This enables you to buy cheap textbooks at the lowest price available online.
The cheap textbooks price comparison tool searches over 50 University textbook sources including the biggest and most trusted like Amazon, Chegg, eCampus, AbeBooks, Powell, Valorebooks, Bigwords, CheapestTextbooks and many more, all at this one free site! The secret to buying cheap textbooks for college is to comparison shop. As a result you will observe that reveals cheaper prices and availability, of new textbooks, textbook rentals, digital textbooks and used college textbooks so you can compare prices and easily find the cheapest textbooks. Check out our Free PDF College Textbooks, Textbook Blog and How to Video.
Easiest way to find the Cheapest Textbooks:
You can search for your cheap college textbooks with the Title, Keyword or Author, but the easiest and most accurate way to textbook search is to use the ISBNs for the textbooks you need. The ISBN is a 10-digit or 13-digit number that is unique to all college textbooks. The ISBN is typically on the back cover, near the bar code. Using the ISBN for all your cheap books for college will help insure you locate the correct editions of your college textbooks (do not enter the “-” when typing the ISBN). It is important to know that textbooks follow the supply and demand price curve. As inventory levels change and demand increases the online selling or rental prices change. No book seller is the cheapest for every book and at any time. Compare, Compare, Compare! This is the only way to score the cheapest price to buy or rent textbooks.
Rental vs Used Textbooks?
Renting textbooks online can be a good alternative to buying used cheap college textbooks. Make sure you factor in the resale value of used textbooks when you compare the cost of used textbooks to rental textbook prices. Also remember that the care of a rented textbook is important; Minimal highlighting and notes in the book is a common requirement. It is very important to not lose the book or you will end up paying to rent and to buy it.
Use the textbook buyback price tool and ISBN to estimate the total cost to buy cheap used textbooks and then at the end of the class get the price to sell used textbooks back. Compare the net price to buy textbooks and resell to the price if you simply rent textbooks online. One other rental benefit is you skip the hassle of selling your used books, simply ship them back to the rental site. Just be aware of one major risk mentioned earlier, do not lose the rental book or you will find yourself buying a replacement book.
International Editions = Big Savings
International Edition textbooks are textbooks sold outside the US. Thay may have paper covers, thinner page weight and maybe even be in Black and White. The big payoff is they typically sell for 25% of the price of the US version. Our textbook comparison tool is programmed to seek out International Editions so look for them in the results page. This is a great opportunity to find the cheapest book available.
Save with Textbook Coupons!
Booksellers are running specials and discounts trying to get your business. Before buying a cheap college textbook check out our list of textbook coupon codes. Cheap textbook coupons come out weekly so check often. We list the available coupons in our price comparison results at Here is 6 months of Amazon Prime free for students
Selling Back Your Used Textbooks
I’m going to point out that there are multiple options when it comes to selling your used textbooks.
- Sell your used textbooks yourself using eBay, Facebook and other social media groups
- Tip: if meeting a buyer in person meet at a safe location like the campus security office
- Return the book back to the campus and other local bookstores
- Sell the book to a online book site.
You have many choices to sell textbooks. We review locations where you can sell textbooks online. Check them out and find tips on our college textbook buybacks post.
Compare the Options yourself
Would you rather compare the college textbook sellers yourself? Use our textbook price comparison tool to locate cheap books for sell by each textbook seller. Also check out our growing list of free PDF college textbook sources. If you are looking for PDF textbooks use the following format in Google: filetype:pdf “textbook title”
You can also fire up your browser and visit the book sellers sites one by one but it takes time and you can only check a few sites. Letting a shopping robot present you a list of options while not costing any more than manually visiting is a real time saver.
In conclusion
I hope you found the information on where to buy cheap textbooks useful and we can help you save money by knowing the lowest priced sources. Don’t overpay, use these resources to compare rental, international, used and other textbook sources and formats. I built the first version of this site when attending Cal in 1999. Shocked at the prices for textbooks at the campus book store for the Semester I went online, hitting the online book sellers to compare textbook prices. Indeed I found better prices but this took a lot of time. My first textbook shopping robot I built pulled in prices from 12 book sellers and immediately started saving me money. Over the years we have expanded to over 100 book sellers, renters and buyers.
I believe we can force textbook prices down by using price comparison to buy from the cheapest college textbooks sources. With this site you will know where the best place to buy college textbooks can be found. Buy from the lowest priced website. This cheap site is a free resource. It is 100% affiliate advertiser supported with no cost or price increase to students. Your support by purchasing textbooks using a link on this site is appreciated. Help spread the word about this service by adding a link to us from your blog or website.
Thanks, Bob
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