Let us show you the cheapest place to rent textbooks. Your guide to minimizing your college textbook cost by using textbook rentals.
And affordable alternative to purchasing textbooks is to rent your college textbooks. College textbook rental have been growing in popularity over the last few years. There are now over a dozen websites specializing in the rental of textbooks. Renting your textbooks is actually a very easy process.

Start by using or textbook price comparison service. Simply input the ISBN or title of the book you need in the Search Book box above to get a list of the cheapest college textbook rental sites and their rental rates. Next up is to proceed to the textbook rental website. There you should find options for different rental lengths. Make sure you select a length that matches your class schedule and will allow you to keep the books through finals.
The next step is to go ahead and order the rental textbook. Be sure to review the terms including late fees and condition requirements. The website should generate both an online receipt and receipt sent to your e-mail address.
When you receive your college textbook rentals open the package carefully and retain the packaging material as it can be used to return the book at the end of your course. The package should also contain a return label Most websites allow you to log in and reprint return label or even will send you one by e-mail near the return time. The return label supplied by most rental sites includes the return postage. Simply drop the package in the mail and your done.
Make sure you return the book as scheduled to avoid late fees. Also please follow the rental sites policy on what markings can be added (or not) to the textbook.
Important! don’t lose the book or you will be required to buy a replacement on top of your rental fee you paid. Because you are simply renting the textbook and do not own it there is no resale value at the end of the rental term. Even with these limitations you should find rental attractive option for cheap textbooks.
For more textbook tips visit our cheap-textbooks.com blog
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